AT THE ART MUSEUM… The story of one woman’s obsession in 100 words…
She had reached her Holy Grail. The Baby Rollie trembled in her fingers as she readied to lie on the marble floor.
“Jamie,” Kevin hissed “this is the Guggenheim for Christ’s sake! You can’t just lie down on the floor.”
Entering the art museum, they had worked their way to the exact center of the lobby to get her perfect shot. She had big plans for this picture, and she had to take it with her Rolleiflex. But the viewfinder is on top of the camera, and her photo is straight up.
“Oh the hell with it, I’m doing it!”
This story is purely fictional, of course, intended to fulfill a photo prompt for Friday Fictioneers. Any resemblance to anyone named Jamie Powell Sheppard is purely coincidental. One of my favored possessions is that photograph printed on aluminum… it is spectacular. Come by my house and I’ll show it to you. Better yet, visit her website and see all her photographs.
This week’s FRIDAY FICTIONEERS prompt comes to us from that Canadian Mother, Writer, and Lawyer (so watch out) Jennifer Pendergast. I could have hugged her when I saw it.
To read other stories by my friends go here…